YPP Match 3 creation
Wednesday, December 9, 2020
Day 25 - And the waters rose!
Feel a bit like Moses playing with water right now. Having a heck of a time messing with things to get the feel right but low and behold I ...
Wednesday, November 18, 2020
Day 24 - Best laid plans
Right now I`m at a bit of a stand still. The wife took a turn for the worse over the weekend. I had to drag her out of the bathroom b...
Wednesday, October 28, 2020
Day 22 & 23 - Tutorials done!!! (the easy part)
I have finished the videos from Mister Taft Creates! Despite this success, there is MUCH left to do! Still this checks many of the box...
Wednesday, October 14, 2020
Day 21 - Lost in the (sea)weed
With the pain if last weeks issues behind me I looked forwards to getting some more features done. Really wanted the icing t...
Sunday, October 11, 2020
Day 20 - Setbacks with the scripts
😡😠😟😞😐😆😌 W ell it was bound to happen. Having to go back a version as the last one really screwed things up. Watching part 50 (video ...
Friday, October 2, 2020
Day 15-19 A week of progress!
I took the whole week off for my birthday. Though I did not spend 18 hours a day working on the project I did spend about one to three hou...
Wednesday, September 23, 2020
Day 14 - Dealing with the Perfection Demon
Finished video 46 - That makes me almost at the 3/4 done with the videos. On course, though video 47 promises to be a long one. Had...
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