Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Day 8 & 9- The halfway mark

 Finished part 26 nothing major to report, sometimes I think I see an error with the match making but it disappears so quickly I`m not sure if its real or not. I think I need to add a delay before the refill so the destruction animation can clear.

Getting an error on part 28 - I must have something referenced wrong (will look into it later.)

FOUND my error. I didn`t copy the video precisely when I started, so I was running into a missing class reference error. It was looking for BackgroundTile, but I had labled the script BoardTile1. After fixing it things seem fine.

But things were not fine, as this lead down a stream of errors that I had to fix one at a time resulting in me re-watching part 28 for the better part of an hour. 

I have completed video 30 out of 64, so I`m over the halfway mark!Party GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

Unfortunately I`ve ran into issues in the deadlocking parameters. Sometimes it is deadlocked but doesn`t show it. However, since the next video uses this to detect and give players hints, I think i will complete that before diving back to debug. 

Got some bonus work done staying up last night too. So feeling good. Well on track and every bonus day I can rack up is more time to refine and redesign!

While I don`t mind the shuffle currently, I would like to add some sort of animation, a wave crashing, a whirlpool, something.

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