Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Day 24 - Best laid plans

       Right now I`m at a bit of a stand still. The wife took a turn for the worse over the weekend. I had to drag her out of the bathroom before calling 911. She's basically paralyzed on the right side of her body, much of her left side and mental functions. Anything more complicated that yes or no answers is very hard for her to handle. Sometimes that's too much.

    I missed getting anything done today. However! I did realise I didn`t update from last week and there has been some noticeable progress:

I`m particularly proud of these artworks:

As you can see, I added my artwork. Added the water line and it animates. My first attempt at the water line was a nightmare, apparently using a version that was out with windows XP was not a solid choice!

I decided that spending days to fix it was a waste of effort and I spend $20 for some Unity stuff that will work for my project. Now I just need to figure out how to incorporate it into the design!

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