Anyways that, now over a decade and a half later is biting me in the ass. Got through videos #3 and #4, but I was stuck on #3 forever. At first I thought it was because I was naming my variables a bit differently, originally I wanted to do this so I wouldn`t just be copying code, but maybe understanding how parts related. It worked creating a board, but when I got to making the game pieces, or their representative dots I kept getting errors. I thought it was because of my ad-libbing of the naming structure. Computers shouldn`t care if I call them dots, or circles, or balls, just as long as they match later references right!?
What I did learn however was that C# and Unity are sticklers about capitalization and spelling. I had capitalized a GameObject reference, making the code think it was a value or something, rather than a empty location to be filled. I think. So I spent an hour and a half pouring over code, going back to prior episodes, screwing up my current code and project, then having to quickly redo much of the prior work to make it all sync correctly again. I was so frustrated I pinged Russ, but as it always go, found my error right then, so when he got back I had another issue.
This time it was with this line:
Its freaking out saying it doesn`t know what to do with Quaternion. I research and dig into it, spend another few minutes before I realize indentity isn`t a word.... it was supposed to be
identity. Who knew that spelling would be my Achilles heel in coding. Need to talk to them about spellcheckers....
I managed to fly through the next lesson and my project now can identify the direction between first and last mouse positions! Also learned that two years is enough to make Unity and C# not exactly the same as the video, so I`ll have to watch-out for that.
Thought I'd be disappointed with today's results, but with the last push I`m happy with the progress. Next is making the dots/circles/balls move and swap places!
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