Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Day 11 - Mistagged-Mistakes!

Finished video 36 - Thought I would spend forever but actually got several videos done.

Bug report - Found my issue! The grey boot was mis-tagged as seaweed dot! After fixing that the issue has not reoccurred. However a new one has popped up in the chaining. Since everything is waiting on mouse click and not on when the last 'move' status this has lead to a problem with the hint checking before everything has settled. 

Hint way too fast and off target after combo. - Solution - Change the hint check to check for 'move' status instead of mouse click.

***Will post to the hint video section***  

This may be complicated as it would no longer reset when I click, which honestly, if its working how it should, will never be an issue.

Bomb triggering. Right now the adjacent bomb doesn`t trigger, and the bombs do not combine. That might require some deeper coding though I saw someone post a set that I might be able to follow in video 35.

Current state of the game:

Matches = Good

Hint = Flawed

Deadlock = Good

Feel = Still lacks some of the pizaaz I`m shooting for. Will have to look at speeds and sprites.

Definitely need to pretty things up, but that's all for post. I may not even use the same stuff so I won`t bother with prettiness now.

I`m starting to understand how things are done, though the exact parsing still eludes me.

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